Elopement Wedding Announcements PLZ HELP!!!!! Wedding Announcements!! No Idea What TO DOOOO!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?

PLZ HELP!!!!! Wedding Announcements!! No idea what TO DOOOO!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!? - elopement wedding announcements

Hello, I and my partners are in private on 20 Married December, we want to close the family the next day and announcements to all. I have maps akready and are beautiful. I strggling with the latest information. Firstly, should be what is printed outside of the card:

"Just say to ......"
"The announcement of the wedding"
"We want you to know ....."

etc. (I do not want to escape "that the marriage) in my hometown

What is the website:

M. John Doe and Miss Sun --
united in marriage
in a secret ceremony on 20 December
2008 at 3.45pm. We invite you
Join us on a festive dinner at The Oaks, Norwich
Saturday, January 3, 2008. "

M. John Doe and Miss Sun --
united in marriage
at a private ceremony on 20 December
2008 at 3.45pm. We invite you
Join us on a festive dinner at The OaksNorwich
Saturday, January 3, 2008. "

M. John Doe and Miss Sun --
united in marriage a secret 20th December
2008 at 3.45pm. We invite you
Join us on a festive dinner at The Oaks, Norwich
Saturday, January 3, 2008. "

What do you think?

PS: If I have to ask a question for my help with the wedding party a bad habit to judge my plans. I could not justify why I do not want my family, please just try not to say that it is very bad, "you do not know.


N.a.d.o.... said...

Do not say "secret", say the environment, they came in a private ceremony. For outdoor use, you must not mean much to
But could be something like a celebration of love ...
Miss Jane Smith married Regina M. Murphy, Jonathan Alexander
20. December, the year 2008 (without the time and now irrelevant).
Please join us for dinner at The Oaks, blah, blah, blah, (and time)
You may need to reserve it.

bainaash... said...

I think "private" sounds better than secrecy. In truth, however, not too much to be combined because only at this time and I invite you to ... No need to explain why they were not invited or provide justifications. Congratulations!

~$K@&H$~ said...

or why it hidden. Love U, if that person is not afraid or ashamed to say that ur trying so this.Or that the judge or thatthey Joke family do, and, blah blah blah all the time so I think it's okay so.Jux a very good plan 4 What happens later. B / C was a family member who is doing the same thing not good thing.And.

kitylily said...

I agree with most, they say "private party" in their wedding announcement. "Their presence will be a reception at the Oaks, Norwich requested, Saturday, January 3, 2008" Yada Yada Yada.

Congratulations and hope that everything goes well:)

pk said...

What is this?
We have done something wrong and now I want everyone to join us for our party?
Mr and Mrs ZZ secretly married ... Day and I want you to come celebrate with us?

You're right, your wedding and you have the right to decide how you want?
The most important thing is that you and your partner wants it so.
Do you have a happy marriage.

miss_j said...

The front side can be anything. Here is a list of ideas:
- "Psst ..."
- "You're invited"
- "News Special"
- "Love is in the air"
- "I just wanted to say"
* I personally like the idea of the forehead and say "Love is in the air ..."

This is a very useful site: http://www.everythingaboutweddings.net/w ...

Mr. Smith and Miss White were united in marriage in a secret ceremony, December 20, 2008th The new couple would like to invite you to join them for a festive dinner.
Location: The Oaks, Norwich
Date: Saturday, January 3, 2008
Registration requested

If I must choose, I choose the former. I do not know how the wording of the "united in marriage in secret," I like the idea of a "secret ceremony". Although the "private ceremony sounds better, I think it actually led to a guest list of the elite and received the counseling were excluded. Just go with the secret ceremony sounds ... a really romanticd sweet.

Ignoring people criticize your choice. We all have our own reasons for doing things. You should not justify their decisions to anyone.

miss_j said...

The front side can be anything. Here is a list of ideas:
- "Psst ..."
- "You're invited"
- "News Special"
- "Love is in the air"
- "I just wanted to say"
* I personally like the idea of the forehead and say "Love is in the air ..."

This is a very useful site: http://www.everythingaboutweddings.net/w ...

Mr. Smith and Miss White were united in marriage in a secret ceremony, December 20, 2008th The new couple would like to invite you to join them for a festive dinner.
Location: The Oaks, Norwich
Date: Saturday, January 3, 2008
Registration requested

If I must choose, I choose the former. I do not know how the wording of the "united in marriage in secret," I like the idea of a "secret ceremony". Although the "private ceremony sounds better, I think it actually led to a guest list of the elite and received the counseling were excluded. Just go with the secret ceremony sounds ... a really romanticd sweet.

Ignoring people criticize your choice. We all have our own reasons for doing things. You should not justify their decisions to anyone.

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