How To Connect Uv Filter To Canon Dslr Camera Can You Recommend A Combo Filter + Uv Sterilizer For A 35 Gallon Pond With Goldfish And Water Hyacinths?

Can you recommend a combo filter + uv sterilizer for a 35 gallon pond with goldfish and water hyacinths? - how to connect uv filter to canon dslr camera

What should I consider GPH rating?
My GFI is 20 + meters away, how can I contact?
Any other recommendations?


Jack the Toad said...

250 Watt UV you need a flow rate of 2 l / min. receive a cable 25 meters out and close instead of just the beginning of the fish in Lancaster, PA. Wholesale to the public and the ship as you want!. That an online catalog. Remember to replace the UV lamps to need each year, a time chart wiyh used only because the light comigo outside does not mean that you have the energy to slay!

leo said...

Why do you need a UV sterilizer?

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