How To Doe Acrostic Poems How Does A Doe Take Care Of Its Fawn?

How does a doe take care of its fawn? - how to doe acrostic poems

I read that the female leaves her baby in secret and do not let him follow his scent for deer and only return to feed. Is that true? I want to know something about this or links that would be useful. I wonder because I see a woman wild and have my own flat. Thank you!


ckngbbbl... said...

Think a return to calm and sleep with the baby and also because you eat a few hours. The smaller ones are really easy to hide and be quiet. Hide your color also helps. If you get too close, move the mother of the cache. Finally, it teaches the baby and grazing land, etc. So if you are close, the women try to deceive you, looks with envy in the wrong direction in the wrong direction, as responsible for all care while leading us out of the cache, and then come back and pass the baby.

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